4.2 Content Organization

Before creating a site, let's decide what to put in it (OK, nobody really does it, but that's not a good reason to create other useless site).

For large sites, there is an analysis of the project (Information Architecture) which covers lots of details: intended audience, competitors etc. Of course, if you're building a small site or if you know very well the topic, you probably already know what to put into your site.

A possible list of topics is:

Some topics are too complex to be treated in a single page, so sections like 'vegetarianism' and 'vivisection' will theirself be divided into subsections. 'Vegetarianism' will be divided into:

Animal Suffering

The suffering behind meat and leather.

Your Health

Why a vegetarian diet improves your health.

World Hunger

Meat eating is the main cause of world hunger.

What You Can Do

What you can do to avoid all this.

'Vivisection' will be divided into:

Vivisection is useless

So called 'researchers' often justify vivisection for its effects on human life but - sadly - this has never happened.

Vivisection is ethically unacceptable

Even if vivisection could bring significant improvement on research and safety (It can't, we are just making an hypothesis), it would also be unacceptable.

Vivisection is dangerous

Animals are not the only victims of vivisection.

What You Can Do

What you can do to avoid all this.

For each page, we define a label. These labels will be used to create the directory structure of our site, so let's use alphanumerical strings (avoiding whitespaces and special characters like '$'):

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