14.2 The Print Function




print() simply prints string into Cows' output, followed by a newline. In other words, the print() function behaves like echo() but adds a newline character after its output.

String can be any valid expression:


The following script displays a quotation; please note that we don't need to include newlines since print() adds them after each string.

print ("If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't");
print ("think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat.");
print ("-- Kim Basinger");

This is Cows' output:

If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't
think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat.
-- Kim Basinger

Example (2)

Strings are passed as variables.

quote  = "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends.";
author = "-- George Bernard Shaw";
print (quote);
print (author);

This is Cows' output:

Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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